§ A performative body print with background music “The revolution will not be televised” by Gill Scott-Heron
Performance, 2023
Woods, canvas, ink, bottles, tapes, nylon rope, self-made costumes
Collaborate with Fatemeh Heidari
We participate as part of ‘it is part of an ensemble’ group
Curated by Benedikt Wyss
Draisine Derby, Basel, CH
Moving along the abandoned train track with four feet stepping on three wooden panels. Two ink bottles attached upside-down, one on my leg and the other on the leg of the Iranian artist Fatemeh. The ink drops onto the wheel-shaped fabric as we move our legs and hands toward the ‘goal.’
With a song by Gil Scott-Heron, ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,’ playing in the background.

Photos by Frantisek Matous / Nic Gysin

Drawing by hussel