‘Collective captions_3 (series)’
A5 Zine, installation
Pier Zine #III X Stedelijk Museum Breda, NL
During the Zine making project (with the collaboration of Pier15 ®️and Stedelijk Museum Breda), a group of visitors (primarily young artists) visited the exhibition Nachtvlucht by Pieter Laurens Mol in the Stedelijk Museum Breda together.
Right after visiting, when we sat in the museum cafe, I invited my fellows to write down three words/terms about what they instantly perceived/felt from the exhibition on the booklet of Nachtvlucht. Instead of interpreting the exhibition, I requested them to write what they saw that caught their mind in a language they preferred. I transfer all the words/terms onto big paper, separate them, then combine them into complete sentences.

Visiting and meeting in Stedelijk Museum Breda
Foto by Rosa Meininger

Kleurverloop white man search rariteiten spectrum rebirth the dark,
Black duisternis dans destroying transformative stop.
Memories vlucht gevoelig twisty fear.
Lapis dancing open intrigerend contradiction youthful.
青金石 耐人寻味。
Komisch groep draggin سیاه سکوت heading safety,
من voelde no light reflective reflections comfort.
I edited the perspectives from Anouk, Atti, Daan, Dirkje, Femke, Jolijn, Maurice, Rosa, Samieh, Sharan, Suzie, Unknown, Zjoske regarding to the exhibition of Pieter Laurens Mol – Night Flight, with thanks.
(By google translation)
“Color gradient, a white man searching rarities spectrum rebirth the dark, black darkness dance destroying transformative stop.
Memories flight sensitive to the twists and turns of fear.
The dancing of lapis lazuli opens up the intriguing contradictions of youth.
Lapis Lazuli is fascinating.
The funny group dragged black silence towards safety.
I felt no light reflective reflections comfortable.”